Dry Paws Re-useable, Accident-Free puppy pads has gone absolutely VIRAL on FACEBOOK. Once quarantine hit, people decided their family needed another addition to the family and Dry Paws offered a super easy, fun and versatile solution to new puppy training. Just have 2-4 puppy pads around the home (or wherever else you want to use them. Like your car) and you have the perfect protection for crates and carriers during transport, whelping, incontinence (uncontrolled urination), sick/diabetic dogs or cats, protecting furniture and rugs from pet fur and dirt, lining kennels and playpens, protecting surfaces post-surgery, placing under food bowls and litter boxes, and for travel with your puppy.
Our fans have a lot of fun making some crazy awesome videos with their fur friends and their Dry Paws Puppy Pads.